Speaking truth to power

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6XsGr86A1rs/S6OuyzfIOLI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/ZtYXUADltG4/s1600-h/obamamalpractice.jpg”img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px; height: 218px;” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6XsGr86A1rs/S6OuyzfIOLI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/ZtYXUADltG4/s320/obamamalpractice.jpg” border=”0″ alt=””id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5450392161885894834″ //abr /I pass this physical therapy center in Knoxville all the time and have admired this sign for some time. It’s rare that you see health care professionals who are courageous enough to take a firm stand against socialism. I think people have had it and are willing to fight bad legislation in any way they can. Good for them.



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