"....most of them are just plain out of luck."

a href=”http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/01/08/pm-liberal-arts-q/”Marketplace:/a Liberal arts job market looks bleak:br /br /blockquoteThe 124th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association is in San Diego this weekend. It’s probably not the wildest of conventions even in good times, but the mood is a good bit more somber than usual this time around. It wasn’t specifically reflected in today’s jobless numbers, but new history PhDs looking for work — most of them are just plain out of luck./blockquotebr /br /It just seems that PhDs are not worth it anymore. But what do you do if history or some other liberal arts major is your talent and passion? And aren’t even college students already lacking in a href=”http://www.pjtv.com/video/Louder_With_Crowder/AS_SEEN_ON_FOX_NEWS_Crowder_Does_Berkeley%3A_How_the_%231_Public_University_Produces_First-Rate_Idiots/2468/”knowledge about history?/a On the other hand, given the revisionist history many students are learning these days, maybe it’s for the best.



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