Fight Back Against the Woke Bullies Trying to Silence Conservatives

YouTube screenshot of New York Times Cancel Culture video.

Until last year I was aware of the cancel culture and the self-proclaimed work warriors out trolling the net but was unsure how bad the problem really was. Then it hit home. I had a man, a criminal on probation who was pretending online to be a lesbian female, go after one of my publishers and attempt to get my books delisted. When my publisher said no, this individual contacted a fellow writer and made threats against my life. This was mixed in with a campaign of threatening emails, links to horrific videos, and more veiled threats in messages. The trigger that set this person off was my novel Blue Dawn … BEFORE it was even published!  


A protective order is in place and law enforcement is monitoring this person. Even then I wondered if this was just some crazed stalker, a fluke. Sadly, it wasn’t. 

In recent months, talking with other conservative authors, I found that this is now the norm.  “Welcome to the club!” one told me. Some have had to get unlisted numbers or hire phone services to screen their calls because of the constant threats. Conservatives have to hire security for public events, even something as benign as book signings, because these woke brats are turning to violence. I was tipped off by law enforcement that one person was goading my stalker to stab my tires, hit me with a milkshake at a public appearance, or “mail him a spring-loaded box with Carolina reaper powder.” Needless to say, the authorities are now monitoring all of the people involved, but that doesn’t mean that the risks are not real.  

There are countless instances of these people reaching out to employers of conservatives to try and get them fired. I have disliked a lot of people over the years, but never considered this course of action. But the woke feel that if they do it, it is a legitimate action.  

Why do they do this?  Because they don’t like the politics of the right. Like whining children throwing a tantrum, they simply want us to go away.  


I also know that there are conservatives out there who make threats against public people too, which is wrong, but by and large, this shift to violence originates with the extremists on the left. These people generally are not successful career professionals. Some are unemployed; the majority hold menial jobs. It is a generation whose parents made sure they got their participation trophies. Some of them are still living at home. The only place where they have a feeling of being important is online. They perceive that being loud and upset somehow makes them right. 

They spend their nights looking for things to be insulted about. In their minds, this makes them righteous whenever they opt to inflict pain on their targets. They are intolerant of anyone who does not believe 100% as they do. To them, the world is filled with potential targets they feel empowered to attack or harass. I would harbor a guess that this is because in the real world, they are seen for what they really are: insignificant. In their sick minds, if they are offended that makes them victims, and they believe that being victims somehow makes them heroes.  

Related: Why Ideology Is the Ancient Enemy of Civilization

They bask in the belief that their voices are more important than those of their targets. For example, several people called me names on one of my social media feeds (labeling others is a default setting for these people) or offered their critiques of my work. I blocked them of course. I am under no obligation to share my social media accounts as platforms for their hate. Believe it or not, this upsets them even more! Their misplaced sense of entitlement runs deep and is part of their weak character makeup.   


If you respond to them, they savor the fight. If you think simply avoiding your social media makes them stop, it doesn’t. In fact, not responding to them makes them escalate.

What the woke want is a world filled with people who believe in whatever ridiculous things they do. Everyone else is to be denied a voice. They believe that if they can bully, threaten, or be loud enough, they can intimidate conservative voices into silence and self-censorship. 

To be clear, there is no place for violence against people’s beliefs on either side of the political spectrum. That doesn’t mean conservatives should sit and take a digital beating. Most states have cyber-stalking laws in place. Defamation suits, while costly, can be effective.  Some states have online harassment statutes for dealing with these miscreants. We have to fight them with the tools that are available to us. Law enforcement is our ally, so use it.  

If we don’t, we will be driven into the silent darkness of the night. 

Editor’s note: Help us fight back against the woke bullies by becoming a VIP member today. Your membership enables us to continue exposing the lies and the treachery of the left as they seek to ban conservatives from every aspect of American life—including even the ability to make a living. Use the promo code FIGHTBACK for 25% off your VIP membership



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