
The Science™ Marketing Mosquitoes as ‘Flying Vaccinators’

James Gathany/CDC via AP, File

You might recollect a quaint little notion — a relic of medical ethics — called “informed consent.” This has largely gone the way of the leftist “my body, my choice” refrain in the wake of COVID-19 mandatory injections for an experimental drug rushed through fraudulent emergency trials.

Informed consent might be a benefit to patients, in that they have a right to understand what medical procedures are being performed on them and their potential consequences before giving permission. It’s little more than a nuisance for the biomedical engineers who have their own designs not always compatible with individual autonomy.

Via StatPearls (emphasis added):

Informed consent is the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention. Informed consent is both an ethical and legal obligation of medical practitioners in the US and originates from the patient's right to direct what happens to their body. Implicit in providing informed consent is an assessment of the patient's understanding, rendering an actual recommendation, and documentation of the process. The Joint Commission requires documentation of all the elements of informed consent "in a form, progress notes or elsewhere in the record." The following are the required elements for documentation of the informed consent discussion: (1) the nature of the procedure, (2) the risks and benefits and the procedure, (3) reasonable alternatives, (4) risks and benefits of alternatives, and (5) assessment of the patient's understanding of elements 1 through 4.

Even given the usual opaque jargon of medical literature, that seems fairly straightforward to me: the medical provider must tell the patient what they’re doing to them, its risks and potential benefits, and alternative options and their relative risks and benefits.

RelatedFDA Quietly Eliminates Informed Consent Requirements For Medical Experimentation

The Science™ has assumed the right for itself to genetically manipulate mosquitoes to create “flying vaccinators” that, allegedly, serve the purpose of preventing various diseases — without any consent whatsoever from the people who will receive these “vaccines.”

Via MIT Technology Review (emphasis added):

Researchers in Japan have transformed mosquitoes into vaccine-carrying syringes by genetically engineering the insects to express the vaccine for leishmaniasis–a parasitic disease transmitted by the sandfly–in their saliva. According to a study in Insect Molecular Biology, mice bitten by these mosquitoes produced antibodies against the parasite. It’s not yet clear whether the immune response was strong enough to protect against infection.

Following bites, protective immune responses are induced, just like a conventional vaccination but with no pain and no cost,” said lead researcher Shigeto Yoshida, from the Jichi Medical University in JapanYoshida, in a press release from the journal. “What’s more continuous exposure to bites will maintain high levels of protective immunity, through natural boosting, for a life time. So the insect shifts from being a pest to being beneficial.”

This is not merely theoretical.

Via CDC (emphasis added):

GM mosquitoes have been successfully used in parts of Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama, and India to control Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Since 2019, over 1 billion mosquitoes have been released

The EPA evaluated the potential risk of releasing GM mosquitoes into communities and determined that there is no risk to people, animals, or the environment.

Are the “flying vaccinators” relevant to the current events unfolding in New England, in which the public health authorities are instituting “voluntary” lockdowns on the basis of a single case of an obscure virus?

It’s hard to say for certain, but something more than meets the eye is probably going on here. If and when we learn more, I’ll be sure to break it.

RelatedNew England Lockdowns Rolled Out for an Obscure Virus After a SINGLE Case

Beyond a mere concern over human health, the fact is that mosquitoes are an integral part of the food chain. Only God knows what will happen once their genetic sequences are altered. Assuming godlike power to alter the fundamental building blocks of life is a dangerous game.

Via (emphasis added):

Believe it or not, mosquitoes are pollinators. In fact, mosquitoes’ primary food source is flower nectar, not blood. Just like bees or butterflies, mosquitoes transfer pollen from flower to flower as they feed on nectar, fertilizing plants and allowing them to form seeds and reproduce. It’s only when a female mosquito lays eggs does she seek a blood meal for the protein. Males feed only on flower nectar and never bite.

Beyond pollination, mosquitoes are part of the food web, serving as important prey in both winged adult and aquatic larval form for a lot of other wildlife from dragonflies and turtles to bats and birds—including hummingbirds, which rely on small flying insects and spiders as a primary food source.


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