
RFK Jr. Fallout: Just When You Thought Corporate State Media Couldn’t Get Any Deeper in the Gutter…

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

They never cease to amaze.

It is with revulsion and awe that I have watched the depths to which the likes of Jen Psaki and her ilk will go to smear RFK Jr. — as if they haven’t done enough for a year to stain his reputation ever since he dared challenge the Brandon entity in the non-primary that was rigged from start to finish.

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The other day, Psaki hosted RFK Jr.’s own sister, daughter and niece of great Americans possibly slain by the same Deep State (release the evidence next time you’re president, Trump!) that MSNBC functions in the service of, to bash him in the most personal of terms.

Try to control your gag reflex. This is brutal.

I think if my dad were alive today, the real Robert Kennedy would have detested almost everything that Trump represents… I am outraged and disgusted by my brother. His obscene embrace of Donald Trump. And I completely disavow and separate, disassociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. and his flagrant efforts to trample my father’s memory.

She calls her dad the “real Robert Kennedy,” implying that somehow RFK Jr., her brother and her father’s son, isn’t “real,” even though he literally shares the same name, even though he’s been a lifelong champion of various causes that she professes to believe in when she’s not debasing herself to get Democrats elected by stabbing her own family in the back.

At no point in the trashing of her brother does she ever say a kind word about him, acknowledge his humanity, or try to slow-pedal any of her vicious condemnation.

It’s really blood-curdling stuff, and it reminded me much more than I’d like of many of my own experiences over the last several years dealing with very close family members who essentially did the same thing to me, albeit in much less public fashion.

First, when Trump won in 2016, a close family member accused me personally of stealing the presidency from the first female president, Hillary Clinton, for whom this person holds an undying and, frankly, disturbing fetish.

Then, later, when I tried to warn this same person out of a sincere concern for their well-being, understanding that they would likely be first in line to get injected, about the dangers of the so-called “vaccines” after they were introduced, he gave me a hateful reply about having besmirched the name of a kind-hearted man who had devoted his life to “public service,” Anthony Fauci.

Their loyalty to the Democrat machine, I realized, exceeds by a significant margin any personal loyalty they might have to their own family, which is a sick reality that was and is hard to accept.

Something is deeply wrong with an individual who is willing to go on national television to tell a cynical hack like Jen Psaki that her brother “disgusts” her just to try to move the needle on an election.


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