
Liberals May Never Recover From the Psychological Damage Inflicted By COVID

AP Photo/Luca Bruno

This doctor, writing an article titled “Better safety studies could restore America’s confidence in vaccines” — began righteously enough with a monologue regarding what the shot did to him.

The tinnitus began on the drive home after his second dose — described as “loud and unrelenting” — yet, even given the temporal proximity, he refused to acknowledge the reality that he had been bit by the Fauci Ouchi.

So he went back for a third round, only to have the tinnitus intensify, which he says has continued to this day, three and a half years later.

Via Stat News (emphasis added):

In February 2021, I received my second Covid-19 shot — the newly developed vaccine that would eventually save millions of lives worldwide — with great anticipation. It proved to be a life-changing event: Two hours later as I was driving home, the shock of a sudden loud and high-pitched whistling nearly caused me to veer off the road. It was as if an audible dog whistle began blaring right next to me. But it wasn’t a dog whistle. It was the acute onset of tinnitus, a ringing in the ear with no external source.

For several years I had lived with minimal, intermittent tinnitus, but never anything like this, so loud and unrelenting.

Could the Covid-19 vaccine have amplified my tinnitus, or was this just a coincidence? I was suspicious, but at that time no data had demonstrated any relationship between the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and tinnitus.

When I got my third dose in November 2021, the sound became even louder and more bothersome. This new noise level has continued to this day, nonstop, often keeping me from sleep and sometimes bringing me to tears.

Is he — a doctor who stakes his personal professional reputation on the integrity of the medical system — enraged that no one had warned him of this now well-documented side effect of the shot? Does he feel a deep sense of betrayal by the institutions he placed his trust in to guide him through serious medical decisions? Does the fact that they never even worked to prevent transmission or contraction of the virus in the first place plague him?

Not even a little bit; instead, he sounds indistinguishable from a MSNBC news actor circa 2021.


As someone who has studied vaccines for 40 years, I know that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, and other vaccines, have saved millions upon millions of lives. For the vast majority of people, the benefits of getting vaccinated far exceed the risks…

Although the Covid-19 vaccines were a huge public health success, politicization and opposition to them became weaponized through disinformation for political gain. Whether or not to receive a Covid-19 vaccine became an expression of opinion, rather than an informed health decision, and this has had a trickle-down effect to other vaccines.

There are two likely causes for his inexplicable defense of the same pharmaceutical entities that caused him personal anguish: either he’s fully succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome, or his editors required the caveat, and he was too cowardly to resist. Neither speaks well to the medical practitioners licensed to work on patients.

Even NBC News has been forced to concede the shot-tinnitus connection — two years too late, in August 2023:

Thousands of people say they've developed tinnitus after they were vaccinated against Covid

Shaowen Bao, an associate professor in the physiology department of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona, Tucson, believes that ongoing inflammation, especially in the brain or spinal cord, may be to blame.

Bao, a longtime tinnitus sufferer and a representative of the American Tinnitus Association's scientific advisory board, has studied tinniuts for more than a decade.

A Facebook group of people who developed tinnitus after getting a Covid vaccine convinced Bao to look into the possible link. He ultimately surveyed 398 of the group's participants.

The cases tended to be severe. One man told Bao that he couldn’t hear the car radio over the noise in his head while driving.

Along with ringing in their ears, participants reported a range of other symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, anxiety and depression. Significantly more people first developed tinnitus after the first dose of the vaccine, compared with the second.

This suggests "that the vaccine is interacting with pre-existing risk factors for tinnitus. If you have the risk factor, you will probably get it from the first dose," Bao said.


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