
Progressive Canadian MP: Climate Change™ ‘Makes Me Wildly Emotional’

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

In recent Canadian parliamentary proceedings on Climate Change™, one witness referred to “climate hysterics,” which the uber-progressive MP in the video below then bristled at on intersectional feminist grounds.

I want to start off by addressing one of the comments that was made by the witnesses around ‘climate hysterics’…

Climate emergencies are not gender-neutral. The degradation of ecosystems disproportionately impacts women and girls, and I am wildly emotional…

[Climate change] is the existential crisis of our time. And to hear that asking for high ambition is climate hysteria, that makes me wildly emotional, absolutely... When I think about my womb and the two children that I bore from that womb and what future we are leaving them, I am wildly emotional… 

We need to think about the intersection of gender and the climate crisis.

Is it sexist to point out that rationality is usually the first thing to get tossed out the window when an individual gives himself or herself or zherself over to “wild emotions,” as this MP admitted to doing herself in the context of Climate Change™, which precludes the ability to make rational decisions, which we would theoretically like to have demonstrated by elected members of government?

Anyway, as I reported previously at PJ Media, Hillary Clinton, smasher of glass ceilings, has been running with the same “climate change kills women” line of late.

RelatedHillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’

The Social Justice™ people finally found something that’s not gender-neutral: Climate Change™!

But if Climate Change™ is not gender-neutral, one might speculate, and gender is a social construct, and men and women don’t actually exist in three-dimensional time and space, then why not just change our social perspective on Climate Change™ and make it gender-non-conforming?


Then the MP wouldn’t have to do performative hysterics on the gender disparities of Climate Change™ in parliament anymore.

Problem solved!

Imagine posing that dilemma to this lady and watching the mental gymnastics unfold as she tries to square the tenets of her self-contradictory ideology.

Where does this nonsense emanate from? Of course, academia is the epicenter of these kinds of ideas, but they also come from the highest levels of national and even international government, as they are useful tools for amassing and consolidating the political power necessary to re-imagine the globalized economy and society in the post-industrial, you-will-own-nothing-and-be-happy world envisioned by Klaus Schwab and his ilk.

Via United Nations Women (yes, this institution actually exists) (emphasis added):

Historically, climate change scientists, researchers and policymakers have struggled with how to make the vital connections between gender, social equity, and climate change. As more and more data and research reveal their clear correlation, it’s time to talk about the disparate impacts of climate change and the linkages between women’s empowerment and effective, global climate action…

The climate crisis is not “gender neutral”. Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety.

There it is: the propaganda that UN Women disseminated somehow finds its way straight onto the lips of Canadian MPs!

What a marvelous coincidence that is.

What’s the over/under on how long until this “wildly emotional” lady MP is awarded the prestigious title of WEF Young Global Leader?


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