
‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ Activists Run the LGBTQ Playbook


Based on copious reporting from my colleagues at PJ Media and me, you may be familiar with the ongoing attempted rebranding of pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons,” or MAPs, by Social Justice™ to normalize and “destigmatize” the sexual attraction of adults to children.

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What you might not be familiar with — although it isn’t a stretch of the imagination for anyone who understands the social engineering game being played — is the extent to which MAPs ideologues have infiltrated the wider LGBTQ™ umbrella network of NGOs, or the extent to which their tactics and strategies mirror those of trans activists.

Dovetailing with the effort to smuggle pedophilia into the loving and liberal fold of Tolerance™ and Diversity™ for sexual minorities that ostensibly is the point of the LGBTQ+™ project — and in the process insulating the practice from criticism — these groups also occupy themselves with pushing for the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to declassify pedophilia as a mental disorder and reclassify it as an amoral (and legally protected) sexual orientation category.

Via Reduxx (emphasis added):

The co-founder and current head of B4U-ACT, Richard Kramer, who uses a pseudonym to conceal his identity, also has a long history of pro-pedophilia lobbying and has admitted to having a sexual attraction to boys. Prior to his involvement with B4U-ACT, Kramer operated a website called the Male Homosexual Attraction to Minors Information Center, which advocates favorably for what Kramer describes as “feelings of sexual attraction that some men have for underage boys.” The website notes a previous symposium addressing the issue of removing “gender identity disorder and the paraphilias” from the DSM.

B4U-ACT has campaigned for years to change and ultimately eliminate the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) entry on pedophilia. During a 2011 symposium titled “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” hosted by B4U-ACT, Kramer used results of anonymous surveys conducted with the participation of members of B4U-ACT in an attempt to establish that pedophilia is an innate identity that emerges in childhood

B4U-ACT also maintains a robust catalogue of networks within major Universities around the world. On its website, it lists institutions that have carried out research under its guidance or with its cooperation. Much of this research has to do with ending the stigmatization of “minor-attracted persons.

The following is how the organization describes itself, via B4U-Act (emphasis added):

Established in 2003, B4U-ACT is a 501(c)(3) organization run in collaboration between mental health professionals, researchers, and people who are attracted to minors.

B4U-ACT helps mental health professionals and researchers learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear. That way they can be informed before they interact with people who are attracted to minors, and before they talk, write, or make public statements about minor-attracted people.

We also work toward the day when minor-attracted people can find mental health professionals they can trust, so that those in need will be able to find help developing ways of coping with their situation or society’s attitudes about them*, and learn to consider the effects of their actions on themselves and others before they react.

*You see, the problem is with the society that stigmatizes child sex predators, not with the child sex predators themselves. Does this line of logic sound familiar?

Continuing from Reduxx:

The approach of lobbying for the depathologizing of pedophilia via diagnostic literature mirrors the strategy undertaken by trans activists in their campaign to have the term ‘gender identity disorder’ declassified as a mental disorder.

As previously revealed exclusively by Reduxx, anonymous participants in a fetish forum producing written erotica about halting children’s puberty through castration – along with graphic fantasies of sexually abusing children – claim to have been involved in the process of altering the term ‘gender identity disorder’ to ‘gender dysphoria’ in the Fifth Edition of the DSM. The manual is regarded as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders in the United States, but is also referenced internationally by mental health professionals.

First, you de-pathologize, then you destigmatize, then you normalize, then you celebrate, then you mandate tolerance by law. That’s how the game is played.


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