
Corporate Media Goes to War With Home Gardening for Climate Change™

AP Photo/Steven Senne

Let’s not feign surprise.

They were always going to come for the home gardens — the last refuge of sustenance in a dystopian digital control grid in which the government has the power to turn off your social credit with a flick of the wrist or, more frighteningly, automatically using some AI-mediated algorithm.

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Backyard gardens are a threat that must be neutralized.

Via The Telegraph (emphasis added):

Growing your own food in an allotment may not be as good for the environment as expected, a study suggests.

The carbon footprint of homegrown foods is five times greater than produce from conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms, data show.

A study from the University of Michigan looked at how much CO2 was produced when growing food in different types of urban farms and found that, on average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07kg of CO2.

The impact on the environment is almost five times higher at 0.34kg per portion for individual gardens, such as vegetable patches or allotments…

Fruit was found to be 8.6 times more eco-friendly when grown conventionally compared to in a city, whereas vegetables were 5.8 times better for the environment when left to the professionals.

The professionals! They must mean the global agri-corporations that have colonized the food supply with GMO patents, use food as a weapon in collusion with various states, and turned the soil into useless dust with monoculture.

Via University of Michigan (emphasis added):

The new U-M-led study, published online Jan. 22 in the journal Nature Cities, aimed to fill some of the knowledge gaps by comparing the carbon footprints of food produced at low-tech urban agriculture sites to conventional crops. It used data from 73 urban farms and gardens in five countries and is the largest published study to compare the carbon footprints of urban and conventional agriculture…

For each site, the researchers calculated the climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions associated with on-farm materials and activities over the lifetime of the farm. The emissions, expressed in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents per serving of food, were then compared to foods raised by conventional methods.

On average, food produced through urban agriculture emitted 0.42 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents per serving, six times higher than the 0.07 kg CO2e per serving of conventionally grown produce.

Note that these Climate Change™ scientists, for obvious reasons, did not factor in at all the “carbon footprint” of transportation of produce from corporate farms into populated areas. Their dishonesty knows no bounds.

Consider how versatile the Climate Change™ scam is proving to be — for shutting down multiple industries, energy, travel, independent food production, and even pet ownership!

Via CNN:

Researchers have showed that pets play a significant role in the climate crisis… Their meat-heavy diet is the biggest contributor to their carbon pawprints, which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. And the production of pet food emits huge amounts of planet-warming gases.

The applications are nearly limitless — and the technocrats are going to make maximum lemonade out of those lemons.

As is often the case with stories like these, it boggles my mind that an NPC liberal could possibly read this and not see immediately the genocidal, totalitarian intent.


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