Nikki Haley is up on Joe Biden a whopping 17 points and proud of it, as any politician would be were they so high up on their potential competition.
Via the Washington Examiner:
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's presidential campaign released an ad on Monday highlighting the results of a recent poll that showed her leading President Joe Biden by 17 points if she wins the GOP nomination.
The ad compiled a collection of news hosts commenting on the dominating lead. The numbers came from a recent Wall Street Journal poll, which polled 1,500 registered voters and was released last week. The poll also saw former President Donald Trump beating Biden if the general election were held today — but only by 4 points. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) tied the president.
17 points!
That’s really a big number.
I don’t care.
And my best guess is that the base isn’t going to be impressed either. We’ll see how high she goes in the polls. My guess is she’s already hit pretty close to her ceiling, notwithstanding a minor bump she’ll probably enjoy when Chris Christie drops out.
I’m not in the business of propping up fake conservatives just because they have an (R) next to their names. That’s Sean Hannity’s scam, and he can have it.
It’s definitely earned him a fortune in his career as an establishment Fox News propagandist, so good for him and whatever other Republican grifter bimbo he’s dating these days living high on the hog off of pharmaceutical advertising largesse.
What I want is a politician who is going to #DraintheSwamp. That’s definitively not Nikki Haley, nor is it Chris Christie. These are wholly creatures of the establishment, servile to their masters to their dying breath.
Related: DeSantis Camp Releases BRUTAL Ad Exposing Nikki Haley’s Ties to Clinton
Nikki Haley is a quintessential menopausal Karen who wants to run your life for the benefit of the corporate state that got her rich.
Related: How Did Nikki Haley Increase Her Wealth by Tens of Millions in a Few Short Years?
Sometimes, when she’s not on script and abiding carefully by what her consultants told her to say as she panders to the base — the old “public/private position” standard that Hillary Clinton copped to — she lets her true political instincts slip through the “limited government” veneer.
For instance, here she is demanding that everyone on the internet be forced to submit proof of identity as a prerequisite for the privilege of using the web.
NEW: Nikki Haley doubled down during an interview on ‘Ruthless’ podcast when she said she wants “everybody’s” name who uses social media.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 15, 2023
“If smug is on your driver's license… I want everybody's name.”
During the debate last week, Vivek Ramaswamy warned Americans about Haley’s…
Nikki Haley, as far as I’m concerned, can hit the road — her and the totalitarian horse she rode in on. Let her get back to the “private sector” making millions funneling taxpayer money to defense contractors for more forever-wars to waste American blood and treasure on to the betterment of no one outside of the beltway.
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