
War on Christmas: News From the Front

AP Photo/Mel Evans

The war against Christmas and the legacy Western culture it represents rages on.

Here’s the news from the front.

Broad-daylight Christmas tree theft

PJ Media’s Catherine Salgado covered the Brandon entity’s presiding over a 10% spike in Christmas tree prices in a single year:

The Western Journal cited Fox Business, the National Christmas Tree Association, and the American Christmas Tree Association (ACTA) to report that “the cost of Christmas trees is up 10 percent from 2022, with the average tree now costing consumers between $80 and $100.” Artificial trees are even more impacted by inflation than real trees, because of increased production cost. Sounds like a good reason to get a real tree instead of an artificial plastic bush.

Of course, you can get a Christmas tree for zero dollars and zero cents if you’re willing to go full Grinch — and why wouldn’t you if you live in a giant blue city where petty crimes go largely unpunished?

Canadian Human Rights Commission: Christmas celebration is ‘obvious’ ‘systemic religious discrimination’

Here you were, nestling baby Jesus in his manger, dutifully adorning your house in festive Christmas lights the whole neighborhood can enjoy, and stocking your tree with gifts in the spirit of giving, thinking you were celebrating something Holy, when all the while you were hatecriming minorities!

Via The Epoch Times (emphasis added):

A new report from Canada's human rights watchdog says Christmas is a discriminatory holiday rooted in "colonialism."

The Oct. 23 report from the Canadian Human Rights Commission called Canada's celebration of Jesus’s birth “an obvious example” of “systemic religious discrimination.”

“Statutory holidays related to Christianity including Christmas and Easter are the only Canadian statutory holidays linked to religious holy days,” says the report titled "Discussion Paper On Religious Intolerance."…

“As a result non-Christians may need to request special accommodation to observe their holy days and other times of the year where their religion requires them to abstain from work.”

The commission points to Canada’s “identity as a settler colonial state” as a chief reason for its “religious intolerance.”…

“No one is free until we are all free,” the report reads. “Many societies including our own have been constructed in a way that places value on certain traits or identities to the exclusion of others, for example white, male, Christian, English-speaking, thin or fit, not having a disability, heterosexual and gender conforming. Because of this many people are facing various forms of discrimination.”

Read the report in its entirety here.

Hide the kids: Trans Santa’s coming to town!

I don’t know if this gentleman’s a footsoldier, necessarily, in the war on Christmas, but he’s certainly not doing any favors for the children’s mental health who are forced to gaze upon his likeness on the street.

“Mommy, why does Santa look like a hooker?” little Billy might ask, peering out of the window of his mother’s electric, zero-carbon minivan.  

“Shut your transphobic mouth up, Billy, or we’ll have Dr. Smith double-up your Adderall prescription and Mx. Williams at school double-up your Drag Queen Story Time until you learn some respect,” Mommy will shout back from the driver’s seat.

“Happy Kwanzaa, Lady Santa!” Mommy calls out to the streetwalker Jolly Big Guy. “I love your heels!”


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