Race Grifter Ibram X. Kendi: ‘Whiteness Prevents White People From Connecting to Humanity’

AP Photo/Steven Senne

The Critical Race Theory genre of academia is transparently a competition between so-called scholars to determine who can come up with the most extreme and asinine assertions and then have them taken seriously by receptive audiences trained to clap like seals at empowered minorities speaking their Truth™, thereby earning their position at the top of the Social Justice™ totem pole and the big DEI bucks in exchange for driving Western civilization, which they hate with a passion, into a ditch.


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Here is the put-upon bespectacled minority “Ibram X. Kendi” (notably less radically revolutionary real name: Ibram Henry Rogers) in a thousand-dollar suit explaining the disease of “whiteness” to an audience surely comprised almost exclusively of self-hating white liberals:

I don't think white people worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is shaped by constructions of whiteness, and how much that construction of whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity. In other words, recognizing that, when you recognize that you are part and parcel of humanity, in other words, if you're not over humanity, right, it allows you to really be able to connect to people who don't look like you, who have kinky hair, who have dark skin, and to see yourself in them. And it's whiteness that prevents that. And when you're not able to see yourself in other human beings that creates all sorts of problems. But not just societal problems, but personal problems that I think hopefully this film and this work will liberate those folks from. So I think it's liberating all the way around. I think it will liberate really all of us, because you know we've all been told a lie about ourselves and other people.


It’s really interesting to witness race hustlers like this, who bill themselves as “anti-racists,” turning a particular race into a sort of pathological, inborn illness — “whiteness” — and unable or unwilling to recognize the cognitive dissonance.

Or, if we’re being more cynical — and let’s be honest; there’s no reason to give these people the benefit of the doubt — they do understand the glaring hypocrisy they engage in for cash and clout, and simply don’t care, knowing they will get away with the most horrendous affronts to logic and decency on account of their skin color and self-professed moral righteousness.


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