For those not in the know, “incel” is a modern term that amalgamates the terms “involuntary” and “celibate” — meaning individuals (almost exclusively young men) who can’t find mates not out of any choice on their part but because they are unwilling or unable to interact successfully with the gentler sex.
The darker corners of the web cater to the “incel” culture, which produces extreme pathologies like anger, resentment, “black-pilled” (nihilistic) worldviews, hopelessness, misogyny, neuroticism, etc. All of that unrequited sexual energy with no outlet has to go somewhere, and when it’s not poured into relationships, it tends to get very ugly very fast.
Here is an article from The Hill that admirably synthesizes some of the hard data that paints the bleak picture (emphasis added):
More than 60 percent of young men are single, nearly twice the rate of unattached young women, signaling a larger breakdown in the social, romantic and sexual life of the American male.
Men in their 20s are more likely than women in their 20s to be romantically uninvolved, sexually dormant, friendless and lonely. They stand at the vanguard of an epidemic of declining marriage, sexuality and relationships that afflicts all of young America…
In the worst-case scenario, the young American man’s social disconnect can have tragic consequences. Young men commit suicide at four times the rate of young women. Younger men are largely responsible for rising rates of mass shootings, a trend some researchers link to their growing social isolation.
Women now collect nearly 60 percent of bachelor’s degrees.
Around 30 percent of young men reported in 2019 that they had no sex in the past year, compared to about 20 percent of young women.
Only half of single men are actively seeking relationships or even casual dates… That figure is declining.
These trends are mostly universal throughout the West but absent in the rest of the world, which would indicate something uniquely pathological about the state of Western civilization in this regard.
Related: The State of Feminism in Southeast Asia
In my view, there is a convergence of cancerous social factors that contribute to what can only be described, not hyperbolically, as a crisis of masculinity in the West (inceldom being just one manifestation of it):
- The feminization of society. All major institutions responsible for socializing young people, especially the education system, are now dominated not just by women but by women indoctrinated into third-wave feminist ideology in higher education. The ideological rot trickles down.
- The elimination of the nuclear family as the ideal foundational unit of the social structure. Women staying single well into their thirties — if not forever — is “empowering” and “liberating” from the Patriarchy™.
- The transition to a “service” economy and the implosion of manufacturing as jobs are offshored to Third-World countries for slave-labor wages
- The demonization of masculinity. Boys are taught that engaging in traditionally masculine activities is “toxic.” Even talking to women is tantamount to endorsing “rape culture.” (There is utility for the technocrats in rendering the entire male population listless eunuchs – a story, perhaps, for another day.)
- God (or a proxy for transcendental meaning or purpose) is dead.
As I’ve noted before, what’s truly remarkable is not that so many young men are hopeless and self-destructive and neurotic; it’s that any young man at all could make it through the adversity and emerge as semi-functional.
What’s remarkable is not that young men with the means are opting for relationships with sex robots; it’s that any at all can still manage to engage in relationships with real women.
Anybody who would use a sex robot like this should be shamed out of public life. Engineering the darkest parts of the male psyche. Modern culture is incel fertilizer.
— Fait Accompli (@FaitAccompli75) June 8, 2022