In a pair of related stories, the California attorney general is levying a lawsuit against a local school board to forcibly reverse its policy of informing parents when their kids get transed in the name of gender diversity while public confidence in American schools has tied an all-time low.
Via the New York Post (emphasis added):
California Attorney General Rob Bonta is suing to block a local school district’s policy to inform parents if their child expresses they may be transgender.
The Chino Valley Unified School District policy, which went into effect in July, forces employees to notify parents if their children ask to use a different name or pronoun or seek to use bathrooms and programs that don’t align with their birth gender while at school.
School staff must alert parents in such cases — even if they don’t have the student’s permission to make the disclosure.
The AG argues the policy violates anti-discrimination and privacy laws and threatens students mental well being*, according to the suit filed in San Bernardino Superior Court on Monday — three weeks after classes started in the district on Aug. 7.
Related: Guess What Teachers Union Groomers Are Assigning as Summer Reading
*The LGBTQ+++™ social engineers often resort to this tactic of accusing parents who hesitate to get their five-year-old transed of “harming” them. They’ll often invoke the threat of suicide — “give your kid those liberal and loving puberty blockers, bigot, or you’ve got their blood on your hands.”
I have likened this tactic previously to Hezbollah’s penchant for firing rockets off of a school or hospital rooftop, so that any retaliation or preemptive intervention would be used later for propaganda purposes to paint the enemy as a child-murderer. If the proverbial child-transing rockets are permitted to be fired with no pushback, so be it. That’s chalked up to a victory in asymmetric warfare. If the enemy bombs their position, all the better: they’ll do what they can to turn themselves into victims and parlay it into a PR victory.
Perhaps coincidentally but more likely not, overall Americans’ trust in the quality of the education system has recently tied an all-time low.
Via Gallup:
Americans’ satisfaction with the quality of K-12 education in the U.S. has fallen six percentage points in the past year to match the record-low 36% reading on this measure, which Gallup has tracked for 24 years…
The latest readings, from an Aug. 1-23 poll, find that Americans’ overall satisfaction with the nation’s K-12 education quality is nine points below the 45% historical average for this metric…
Both party groups are at or near record-low satisfaction levels, but Republicans are significantly less likely to be satisfied than Democrats are.
Having attended public school in Atlanta myself — and this was before teachers became de facto gender sherpas for prepubescent children — I find it quite incredible that the 36% overall satisfaction rate is as high as it is. I understand that the quality of public schools varies widely by jurisdiction, but surveying the academic prowess or lack thereof among high school graduates, I don’t believe that my experience is an outlier. It’s probably much closer to the norm.