In 2019, according to official FBI crime statistics, black/African-Americans committed 51.2% of all murders. In context, blacks account for 14.2% of the overall population. Everything being equal, or “equitable” as the Social Justice™ ideologues prefer, one would expect the murder rate by blacks as a proportion of the total population to be around the same — 14.2%. Yet, we see that it is 3.6 times that figure.

Why, one is forced to wonder, do the Social Justice™ activists not lobby for racial “equity” in the murder rate?
According to the same data set, blacks commit 52.7% of all robberies and 41.8% of illegal weapon possession. In literally every category of violent and property crime, blacks are disproportionately represented, often wildly so.
Having attended public school in Atlanta myself, my “lived experience,” to borrow a Social Justice™ phrase, comports with these statistics.
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Unfortunately, as is often the case, reality does not confirm the official Social Justice™ narrative of systemic white supremacy or whatever. Instead of grappling with facts, the loving and tolerant left simply forbids any discussion of them in the public sphere and denounces as a domestic terrorist anyone brave enough to inject some reality into discussions of crime and race.
Having laid out all that context, the producers at FOX 26 Houston for some reason allowed one of the station’s news anchors to run with this surprisingly honest and open conversation, at least relative to the norm:
The panel was staffed entirely with black guests, possibly in hopes of deflecting from the onslaught of accusations of racism coming their way. That might work to a certain extent, but the Social Justice™ banshees are going to attempt to squash this narrative with all their might before it’s permitted to proliferate, black panelists or not.
If an example is not made of this lone Houston Fox affiliate, other less-brave stations might pick up the story. And if free speech is not checked, the entire narrative control operation is jeopardized.
The Houston Fox affiliate producers, who must know how the narrative control game is played, deserve credit for broaching this topic, despite the backlash they are certain to receive.
The whole conversation was couched in the context of the spring break chaos enveloping Miami at the moment, which has been forced to declare a state of emergency due to widespread violence and multiple fatal shootings. But it’s more widely applicable.
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