Is It Even Possible to Overcome the Left's Grip on Information Anymore?

AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File

I don't want to face it any more than you do, but the fact is that the Left has a near-total grip on the information most Americans receive.

This had been the case before the onset of the internet age, of course, but the country still had a fairly homogenous culture back then, so globalist, Christophobic anti-Americanism repulsed most people. Then came Fox News and the Drudge Report, and suddenly, people's eyes were opened to the extent of the media's bias. A brief golden age of equal media representation ensued, and it was no coincidence that we enjoyed eight years of Republican leadership under President George W. Bush and a Republican-led Congress.


But Big Left has marched through the new institutions as relentlessly as it did the old. Fox News is now compromised, and Big Tech is thoroughly infiltrated. Staffed by leftist intel assets who job-hop back and forth from government positions, social media platforms suppress anything unfavorable to their party — even if it's true — while boosting positive news — even when it's inaccurate.

The extent of the Left's control of information was driven home during the 2020 campaign season. Two things happened that year that made it impossible to ignore what we are up against any longer: the Laptop From Hell and the Basement Campaign.

Never forget what they did with the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell story. This was arguably the greatest October Surprise in history — a presidential candidate’s son was so drug-addled that he literally handed his opponents a laptop full of tawdry photographic, email, text message, and video evidence of significant criminal behavior that ran the gamut from trafficking prostitutes to drug and gun crimes to tax evasion to FARA violations — all the way up to likely bribery of the number two guy in the White House.

And the Left disappeared it.

I remember a few months after the election, I asked a liberal friend if she had even heard of Hunter's laptop before the election, and she said she had not. "And I also heard it was fake," she sneered.

If the Left was able to suppress something that breathtaking (and juicy), then what chance do we have to get any information about their current candidates into public awareness?


Then there was Democrat candidate Joe Biden's Basement Campaign, so-called because Biden's handlers effectively hid him in a basement and didn't let him embarrass or weaken himself with public appearances. They were aided in this endeavor by the compliant media, which never called them out on it. It just went along with the campaign's COVID excuse — but also didn't even insist on a video interview. In the absence of major public stumbles or tough questioning, Biden appeared to the unquestioning public as the seasoned, steady statesman the Left said he was.

And my friends, it worked. They won. 

Related: Where's Joe?

Now, the campaign has swapped in Vice President Kamala Harris, and she is running a basement campaign of her own. She and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. "Tampon Tim" Walz, stump at meticulously controlled rallies and private fundraisers — and that's pretty much it. They don't do interviews. They don't take questions. They respond to any criticism that may have found its way into public view with glib replies at their own events, which the media will accept and move on from.

"Kamala Harris seems to be doing everything she can to avoid answering reporters' questions," Nick Arama writes at our sister site, RedState. "She hasn't done an interview since she was handed the Democratic nomination for president without one vote of the people. She's put off the media, saying, well, maybe she'll do an interview by the end of the month. She doesn't even have any policies on her website. That makes it easier for her just to say whatever she thinks will be most appealing to whatever audience she's talking to, so she can be all things to all people, even if those things contradict each other."


Arama covers reporter Peter Doocy's revelation that Harris has taken to ditching her own press pool:

Not only is she skipping out on any interviews, but she ditched her press pool, which is supposed to be reporting on her movements, and that's a big no-no, as Doocy pointed out. […]

"Vice President Harris is supposed to travel everywhere she goes with a press pool. We just learned that she left her press pool behind to attend an event at Howard University," [reported Doocy].

Her trip to Howard also doesn't seem to be on her schedule released to Roll Call. So why was she trying to ditch the media when she went there? What was she afraid they might see and/or ask her? This is not a game; this is supposed to be about serving the American people, and when you are ditching the press, you are ditching informing the American people in the process.

Finally, we can't force people to see something they don't want to know. Liberals want their version of reality to be true and are wholly uninterested in hearing anything to the contrary. Meanwhile, normies and low-information voters don't even know what they don't know, so they don't realize that there is an alternative to what they have been told, let alone where to go to seek it out.

The Left's control of the flow of information is the most vein-poppingly frustrating thing we are up against. It is near-total, it is devastatingly effective, and it has only grown stronger since the last election. 


If anyone has any ideas on how to beat it, I'd love to discuss it in the comments below.

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