That’s a nice country you got there. Would be a shame if anything were to happen to it…
Sadly, thanks to a massive “asylum-seeker” scam perpetuated by the Globalist Leftist elites to pack in third-world newcomers, a lot is about to happen to our once prosperous and pleasant country.
Quick refresher: Asylum in the United States may be granted at our discretion to people who have a legitimate fear of political or religious persecution in their homeland by their government, and who come through a designated port of entry. Poverty, high crime, lack of opportunity, or family residing in the U.S. are not recognized reasons for seeking asylum in the U.S., nor is paying a human trafficker to smuggle you over the border an acceptable way of doing so.
The rate at which illegal aliens are being transported into the once orderly United States is unprecedented and unsustainable. You simply cannot import many millions of impoverished, high-need, culturally incongruent people without wreaking havoc on the host nation. And there is already plenty of third-world unpleasantness cropping up: increases in diseases we had gotten rid of in the U.S.; once-venerable landmark hotels converted to eyesore immigrant tenements; and spikes in crime as the bad come in with the merely opportunistic.
But there are long-term miseries that once seemed impossible in a great nation like the USA that will inevitably become commonplace. If you’ve traveled abroad, you may already have seen these social pathologies in other places. And some of them already exist in one form or another in America’s big blue cities. Sadly, unless something changes, they will inevitably become the norm here, too.
Without further ado, here are the top three societal calamities we can look forward to as the Biden administration continues to import the entire third world.
Droves of Beggars With Children in Tow
Panhandlers, bums, the homeless, and garden-variety street addicts are nothing new in most cities. But get ready for flocks of beggars to start peopling our streets wherever Big Left’s phony asylum seekers are deposited. And they won’t be the panhandlers you’re accustomed to; third-world beggars often have small children with them. It’s a disturbing and heartbreaking sight. But that is what happens when millions of needy people are dumped in a country, overwhelming the social support system.

I’m not just talking tent cities here, or a homeless encampment beneath an underpass: I mean full-on entire towns and villages consisting of hundreds of permanent structures made from scraps of lumber, sheet metal, and plastic panels. Shantytowns are a common sight and part of the established infrastructure in third-world countries, where they ring the cities and towns, encroaching on public and private lands. But lawlessness begets more lawlessness.

Eventually, the press of humanity trapped in slums and shantytowns with insufficient services and little hope of change will reach a boiling point. Folks with nothing to lose have no reason to behave, and desperate people will be easy pickings for America’s native population of Marxist civil rights attorneys and community organizers. Mass demonstrations of our “newest Americans” demanding their “rights” will swell the ranks of anarchists and rioters that the U.S. already tolerates on far too generous a scale. The Biden administration is importing the potential for paralyzing, destabilizing riots on a mass scale.

Great. So Now What?
Unlike Big Left, conservatives know history. We can consider past occasions when a country was occupied — sometimes for centuries — but never lost its identity and eventually rid itself of its foreign squatters. For example, Spain was invaded in 711 AD by a Muslim North African army. The Moors occupied the Iberian peninsula for 800 years before they were expelled. At that time, they made up a large percentage of the population, including one-third of the Valencia region. But it was accomplished nonetheless.
Likewise, the Ottoman Turks invaded and occupied Greece from the mid-1400s through 1821 — nearly four centuries. But they, too, were ultimately expelled.
Also for our VIPs: How to Save America From Our Illegal Immigrant Occupation
While there are many obvious differences between those cases and the current U.S. colonization currently underway, the main point should not be lost. A people can hold onto their identity for as long as it takes to muster the will and determination to eject an occupying force. Americans, though of diverse ethnicities and faiths, are united and identified by an ideal. And we can rest assured that freedom will always be worth fighting for.