Hashtag Bootgate

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

While Donald Trump is tromping through the Bog of Legal Challenges, his campaign has to find some way to stay on the payroll, and there's no better way to keep the 45th President happy than flinging insults. I have done a good bit of time in political campaign comms shops, and trust me when I say this is probably how the strategy meeting went down at MAGA HQ; let's listen in:


Steven: No, we are not participating in the debate in Miami. We don't have to, and our supporters know it. What we need to do is pull DeSantis and Haley voters over to our side. How do we do that?

Drew: Haley the war pig! Her stance on the — 

Steven: Imma stop you right there. No. No need to get into the details of war. We are pro-Israel, and that's all anyone needs to know.

Allison: Taxes are — 

Steven: No. People don't want or need to think or overthink any of this. No war, no taxes, no Biden, no economy. Does anyone have anything useful?

Intern: Um, does anyone else think Ron DeSantis has hidden heels in his boots to make him look taller?

Steven: What's your name? 

Intern: Brylee.

Steven: I'm sorry, Bry — Brylee? Sure, okay, whatever. THAT is what we need. DeSanctimonious needs a personality transplant to match his high heels. Get Poso on the chat, and St. Clair. Let's move, people!

And Hashtag Bootgate was born.

It's a distraction. Their job is not to be accurate, just useful. Unless President Trump speaks for himself, the marching orders are to keep it light, constant, and on brand. That being said, it's obvious that these are savvy campaigners, not useful idiots. None of Hashtag Bootgate is amateur, and here are the receipts:

  1. The Trump Campaign stays above the fray.
    Anytime you can get someone else to carry your campaign water, do it. Especially when it's muddy. When something slops over the side, it will splash on them and not you or your candidate. Surrogates, that is influential people who take talking points and direction from the campaigns, are valuable when it comes to getting in with inaccessible or unfriendly groups, being in several places at one time without having to physically be there, and damage control. 

    If a media outlet runs a hit piece on your candidate, assemble the talking points and get them to your surrogates immediately. Want to leak an unflattering tidbit on your opponent without running a public smear campaign? Surrogate. Want to watch the internet make fun of someone without you being the ringleader? Surrogate. Hashtag Bootgate has some entertaining and big-time water carriers, so the next time you see a covert insult campaign start, look at who threw the first couple of grenades and whose name is on the side of the muddy water bucket. 

  2. Ron DeSantis is put in a position he cannot defend without stooping into the Realm of the Absurd.

    What's the guy going to do, sit down, take his boots off, and show America he doesn't have heels or lifts in his boots? Saw his prized footwear down the middle so everyone can see the anatomy and inner workings of a shoe? Get real. There is literally nothing DeSantis can do or say to confront this zeitgeist without appearing ridiculous, absurd, or insane.

    Another trick of the trade: if you don't verbally acknowledge the rumor, it doesn't exist. Candidate accused of making up a story about his past to gain sympathy? Whispers that so-and-so hangs upside-down pineapples on a door while on vacation? If you talk about it, whatever it is becomes bigger than it was. If you don't talk about it, eventually others won't, either. If Ron DeSantis were to verbally acknowledge Hashtag Bootgate, it would only be throwing gasoline on a trashcan fire — next time, you know, it's a two-alarm blaze. 

  3. It's a highly-visual, low-data talking point and those go viral.

    If the goal is to lure the children into the house made of candy, the witch is not going to litter the forest with Rubik's cubes; she's going to use brightly colored and obvious treats. Never give the masses anything that won't easily be accepted by a 10-year-old. It's not because they aren't smart enough, but life is busy and work is hard and the kids are crying and I Just Want Something To Be Easy!! Heyyyyy, Ron DeSantis wears heels in his shoes — look at this photo! HAHAHA Text, forward, repost, repeat.

    This is how political messaging goes viral: it's easy to understand, easier to distribute, and a cinch to remember. People will talk about this at the office coffee pot or at Mattisonn's soccer game. It's seemingly harmless, so even the smelling-salt evangelists will think it's safe enough to talk about. Not to mention, it's political without being political so Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and even the Socialists who have the personalities of sea cucumbers will find entertainment in it.

Make no mistake, Hashtag Bootgate is intentional and strategic. 


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