Newsweek's Rage

The editors of Newsweek magazine, pictured here:

have seen fit in their wisdom to grace the cover of their crappy and dying magazine with an unflattering picture of Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.


Now every time I point out the dirt-lousy treatment Congresswoman Bachmann is getting in the press, I get letters telling me to stop endorsing her. I haven’t endorsed anyone. But I really do think there is another level of hatred from the left against conservative women – women, I mean, particularly. I had the distinct pleasure of being on Greg Gutfeld’s Red Eye the other day and seemed alone in thinking the Bachmann cover was gender related. Others said the left would do the same to any conservative. And it does happen. But it just seems to happen a lot more to conservative women. The congresswoman is attractive. It can’t be hard to take a semi-decent picture of her. Pranks like this are giggly and base, a sign of insecurity and dysfunction. Shame on ’em.

I’m on the road and typing this on an iPad I got for my birthday – very cool. But please forgive typing and formatting errors. It’s not that easy to do this.


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