Want to join an all-star cast of brilliant commentators — and me? Come to the Town and Gown Ballroom on the USC campus in downtown Los Angeles, Sunday, January 26th, at 6:30 PM, to celebrate the 200th Podcast of my friends at Ricochet. Podcast hosts Rob Long, Peter Robinson and James Lileks will be there to welcome Pat Sajak, Jonah Goldberg, Dennis Prager and your humble servant (among others) as we come together on stage to bring one of the best podcasts in Podcast Town to radiant life.
Tickets can and should be bought here for both the live show and the VIP reception afterward. (Rob Long said he’d let me into the reception if I didn’t mind serving drinks.) The address is 665 Exposition Boulevard, LA, CA 90089.
By the way, if you are not a member of Ricochet, you should be. It costs about as much as a good espresso, and it’s actually more stimulating.
So come and watch the show, attend the reception and say hi. I’d love to see you there.
Join the conversation as a VIP Member