WWW Stands for "What Went Wrong?"

Google is scaling back plans for its Nexus One phone:

Although Google launched the Nexus One with grand plans to radically change the way consumers purchased phones and service, it looks like the experiment has fizzled to an end — the company just announced that will eventually stop selling handsets online and instead partner with carriers to sell the N1 in-store while using its website to promote “a variety of Android phones available globally.”


I just don’t get it. The Nexus One is a beloved smart phone — according to both people who bought one. Seriously, great hardware, better-than-average touchscreen, and the first phone running onAndroid 2.0. Yet Google couldn’t sell any of them.

Is T-Mobile really that bad?

UPDATE: Smitty says “T-Mobile is fine,” so I’m at a complete loss.


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