Product Non-Review

The new Kindle isn’t out yet, but already there’s a promised “Kindle-killer.” Read:

Amazon’s new E Ink-powered Kindle 2 is all the rage right now, but a Canadian bookseller is confident it can give you the same experience on your smartphone, and without the hefty pricetag.

Shortcovers — occasionally touted by its makers as “the Kindle Killer” — is set to launch in the coming days as an app for the iPhone, the BlackBerry, and the Android operating system. So can it really live up to its king-sized claims?


I finally got to play with a Blackberry the other night. Terrible input, and the screen was even worse. And I’m supposed to read a book on it? No thanks. I don’t even want to read much on my iPhone. The screen is just to small and the resolution (about 160 dots per inch) is still no match for print (300 dpi or better).

If anything can kill the Kindle, it’s… real books.


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