Green New Deal Radical AOC Wins Reelection

AP Photo/Cliff Owen

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the radical leftist congresswoman associated with the Democratic Socialists of America whose Green New Deal has pushed the Democrats toward socialism, won reelection on Tuesday night.


“Serving NY-14 and fighting for working class families in Congress has been the greatest honor, privilege, & responsibility of my life,” AOC tweeted. “Thank you to the Bronx & Queens for re-electing me to the House despite the millions spent against us, & trusting me to represent you once more.”

AOC was always expected to win her deep-blue district. She beat challenger John Cummings 69 percent to 30 percent.

AOC’s signature proposal, the Green New Deal, aims to fundamentally remake the economy in order to curb carbon emissions and fight alleged climate change. The first five years of the Green New Deal would cost at least $250,000 per household. The green boondoggle would cost approximately $49.109 trillion in the first ten years, and AOC would support a 70 percent top tax rate to pay for it.

Yet AOC’s former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, said the Green New Deal “wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Turning to Sam Ricketts, climate director for Gov. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), he asked, “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

While it stands to reason that burning fossil fuels may impact the air and heat the earth, climate alarmist predictions based on this premise have proven wrong time and time again for 50 years. In a particularly egregious example, alarmists in 1988 predicted that rising sea levels would bury the Maldives islands beneath the waves by 2018. In reality, not only are the Maldives still above the waves but they have actually been growing larger in recent years.


Despite all this, Democratic nominee Joe Biden chose AOC to co-chair his climate change task force.

AOC has engaged in extreme rhetoric, arguing that America needs to combat supposed “white supremacy” in order to combat climate change. She resorted to citing the far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to falsely accuse Trump of abetting white supremacy. She has referred to ICE detention centers as “concentration camps,” and an antifa terrorist tried to blow up one of them, echoing her rhetoric. She went on a nonsensical rant suggesting that telling Hispanic communities in New York to grow cauliflower instead of yucca (which does not grow as well up north) constitutes “colonial environmentalism.”

AOC also appears to have put her boyfriend on the public payroll.

This is the woman who has become the face of the young and radical wing of the Democratic Party. DC Comics has also connected AOC to Wonder Woman.

Perhaps most terrifying, AOC has sacralized big government, claiming that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made her “recognize my inherent value as a human being” by supporting “free” benefits for all citizens.

AOC will be in the House for two more years, pushing the Democratic Party as far left as she can.


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Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

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Ocasio-Cortez Denies Science in Nonsensical Rant About Colonialism, Yucca, and ‘Cauliflower or Something’


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