WATCH: Hip Hillary Does 'Tonight Show' Skit with Faux Trump

Hillary Clinton appeared on The Tonight Show after the GOP debate on Wednesday tweeting, doing a skit with host Jimmy Fallon as Donald Trump and quipping that his hair “twirls over his head like a soft serve at Dairy Queen.”


The appearance comes in the midst of an effort by her campaign to rebrand Hillary in a more likable image to resurrect tanking poll numbers.

After the skit, when Clinton was talking with Fallon, she joked about her emails.

“The most significant one that has come to light — this was a really important issue and I had to talk about it on the email — was I was asked if I could get gefilte fish into Israel for order for it to be used in time for Passover,” she said. “The stuff that’s in it is really boring people, which kind of hurts my feelings.”

The appearance was taped earlier Wednesday. Hillary said she’s had a “good time” watching Trump ascend to the top of the GOP field in polls.


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