Gun-Control Advocates Encourage Supporters to Call the Cops on Open and Concealed Gun Carriers

Fox News is reporting that Second Amendment groups are accusing the gun-control posse of urging supporters to call the cops on anyone they see carrying a firearm openly or concealed.  The gun-grabbing group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is using social media to promote this macabre and potentially deadly scenario.



“If you see someone carrying a firearm in public—openly or concealed—and have ANY doubts about their intent, call 911 immediately and ask police to come to the scene,” the group wrote on its widely followed Facebook page. “Never put your safety, or the safety of your loved ones, at the mercy of weak gun laws that arm individuals in public with little or no criminal and/or mental health screening.”

Let me tell you how this situation could play out.

In 2010, 38-year-old Erik Scott was shopping in a Las Vegas Costco while legally concealing a firearm. A Costco employee noticed the concealed gun and called the police to tell them there was a man with a gun inside the store. The store was evacuated once the police arrived and Erik Scott was executed in front of swarms of Costco customers.  Scott, a Westpoint graduate, was a former Army officer.

It’s a miracle that only one person was murdered as this unfolded.

When you introduce deadly force into a situation there is no telling what might result. People are on edge, people with deadly weapons are on edge — it’s a powder keg. These horrible gun-control monsters do not care how these situations might escalate — and escalate they will when the police are informed someone has a firearm and innocent people are “in danger” and they show up to control a potentially violent situation.


If any of these zealots call the cops on a law-abiding citizen and a deadly confrontation results, they should be named as an accessory to murder.

“This practice is exactly what they [Coalition to Stop Gun Violence] are doing,” said Erich Pratt, spokesman for Virginia-based Gun Owners of America. “It’s one thing if someone is using a gun in an illegal or unlawful manner. No one is questioning that. But this clearly sounds like swatting.”

Here’s what Ladd Everitt, director of communications for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told Fox News:

“In an era in which individuals are being allowed to carry loaded guns on our streets with no permit, background check or required training, it is common sense for concerned citizens to call 911 when they see an armed individual whose intentions are unclear. These [open carry] laws guarantee that we—and law enforcement—will have no idea about the criminal and/or mental health background of these individuals until they actually commit a crime; and by then it could be far too late.  We have full confidence in our men and women in blue to assess these situations.

“Gun-toters who are truly law-abiding and mentally competent have nothing whatsoever to worry about. Their conversations with law enforcement will be brief and professional,” he added. “As for those who are dangerous and have something to hide which would not withstand the scrutiny of a background check or permitting process, they should expect to face some tough questions as a result of these 911 calls. And that makes us all safer.”



You should absolutely not call the police on someone who is going about his business and acting entirely normal merely because he has a gun. The gun-control crowd wants to brainwash citizens into thinking that mere possession of a gun is prima facie evidence of ill intent. But this is not so and these morons have hijacked the narrative and flipped reality on its head. In most locales, we have the right to conceal or openly carry a firearm. THAT IS A FACT.  The idea that there is something alarming or worrisome about merely having a firearm is a lie the gun-control groups tell low-information citizens.

One more time: If any of these zealots call the cops on a law-abiding citizen and that facilitates a deadly confrontation, they should be named as an accessory to murder.

Yee-Hah: Open Carry Coming to Texas






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