Jindal Launches Investigation into Planned Parenthood After Organ Harvesting Video Surfaces

On it.

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Tuesday announced he’s directed the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to investigate Planned Parenthood activities in the state after a video surfaced that claims the organization is selling fetal body parts.

The video, which was posted to YouTube by the Center for Medical Progress, shows a woman discussing the harvest of fetal organs and body parts from partial-birth abortions. The Center for Medical Progress identifies the woman as Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who is Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s national medical director.

There was no indication that the video or the activities described in it had ties to Louisiana. But Jindal said he was ordering an investigation in part because Planned Parenthood is planning to open a clinic in New Orleans.


This is a very swift response from a candidate who places pro-life issues at the heart of his appeal to voters. Planned Parenthood has been getting away with being little more than an abortion front while pretending that it offers an array of options to those who wander through its doors. Its disingenuous portrayal of what it does should be enough to preclude it from being eligible for public funding, but it hasn’t been so far. Now that there’s proof it is even more ghoulish than imagined, pro-life politicians have an opportunity to at least press for reductions in amount of taxpayer support.


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