The Great Confederate Payback: 'Like the End of the Soviet Empire'

And so the Great Confederate Payback begins:

Vandals have targeted monuments dedicated to the leaders and soldiers of the Confederacy, painting the slogan “Black lives matter” on memorials in a half-dozen states where the landmarks stand tall in parks and outside government buildings.

The graffiti reflects the racial tension that permeates post-Ferguson America, more than a week after a white man was accused of shooting and killing nine black congregants at a Charleston, South Carolina, church.


What? One might better say that there is a kind of anarchic madness loose in the land, that hasn’t been seen since the days of the Salem witch trials.

Michael Allen, a lecturer in American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis, compared the vandalism to the toppling of statues in Russia at the end of the Soviet empire. “If the monuments are strong statements of past values, defacing them is the easiest and loudest way to rebuke those statements,” Allen said.

This is what comes of letting the Left control academe.

One of the defaced monuments was the Confederate Memorial in St. Louis’ Forest Park, 10 miles from Ferguson. The same graffiti was reported on memorials in Charleston; Baltimore; Austin, Texas; Asheville, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia. No arrests have been made.

And they won’t be, either. Meanwhile, the madness spreads…

The dean of Washington National Cathedral is calling for the removal of stained-glass windows that depict the Confederate battle flag. The Very Rev. Gary Hall issued a statement Thursday saying windows in the church honoring Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson and Gen. Robert E. Lee should be removed. Both windows depict the Confederate flag.

The cathedral installed the windows in 1953. Hall says the cathedral’s leadership at the time thought recognition for the Confederate leaders would foster reconciliation. But Hall says celebrating the lives of the Confederate generals and flag now does not promote healing or reconciliation, especially for African-Americans. Hall says the Confederate flag has become the primary symbol of white supremacy.


Things will get worse before they get worse.




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