Longtime Democratic strategist Bob Shrum told MSNBC host Ed Schultz Friday that he could “not imagine the horror that could’ve unfolded” if the churchgoers had been armed during the massacre in Charleston, South Carolina. Rational people, on the other hand, have been imagining since Wednesday the horror that could have been prevented had at least one of the churchgoers been armed.
Via The Blaze:
Nine people were slaughtered on Wednesday night after suspected gunman Dylann Roof allegedly opened fire in the historically black church. Only three people survived, including a grandmother who played dead and laid on top of her granddaughter to protect her.
Roof reportedly had time to reload his gun several times.
“I cannot imagine the horror that could’ve occurred if people were sitting around with concealed weapons, this thing started and you had a full-scale gunfight,” Shrum said Friday. “You might not even have three survivors.”
Well, for starters, a few more people might be alive today had one or more of them been armed. And the bad guy would probably be dead or wounded. It takes quite an insane leap of logic to think the tragedy would have been even worse had the victims been able to defend themselves.
The legendary strategist noted that “this is going to be a big issue” in the 2016 Democratic primaries — a prediction that has already panned out to be true. Democrats have been employing the old “never let a crisis go to waste” tactic by wringing every bit of political capital they can out of the devastating, blood-soaked ordeal.
Various Dems have found ways to blame the shooting on the GOP, the NRA, Fox News, the Confederate flag, Gov. Nikki Haley and even Donald Trump.
Bob Shrum is considered an institution in Democratic politics after more than four decades of working on such losing campaigns as those of Richard A. Gephardt, John Edwards, Al Gore and John Kerry.
In eight presidential elections — for either the nomination or for the presidency itself — Shrum’s candidates have lost.
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