Welcome to Dystopia: D.C. Attorney General 'Looking Into' Pic of Trey Gowdy Holding an AR-15

This is just pathetic.

Two Republican congressmen who posed for a picture with an assault rifle are coming under scrutiny from the District of Columbia’s Attorney General Office.

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) last week tweeted a picture of himself and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the leader of the House GOP’s Benghazi investigation, holding an AR-15.

Buck said in the tweet that the assault rifle is his, and that the picture was taken after Gowdy “stopped by” his office.

Having the AR-15 in the Cannon House Office Building could be a violation of the District’s strict gun laws, and the Washington, D.C., Attorney General’s Office is “looking into the matter,” a spokesman told The Hill.

Buck told The Hill the rifle is “inoperable” and that he received approval from U.S. Capitol Police to bring it to his office, where it is on display in a locked case.

“I have a very patriotic AR-15 hanging in my office. It hangs directly above my Second Amendment flag,” Buck said.


It is a bit disturbing that this is even an issue. The fact that the gun laws in the nation’s capital are so onerous is a national embarrassment. There is a borderline abrogation of the Constitution going on in the very place that is supposed to richly symbolize our freedoms.

If Washington, D.C., wants full representation in the House of Representatives maybe its leaders should start governing the city in a slightly more, you know, American fashion.

On another note, fifty bucks says this ball got rolling with a heads-up from a Team Hillary staffer.


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