Fight Hillary with Income Inequality Jiu Jitsu

Above, Bill O’Reilly does an able job playing his default role, offering a boilerplate conservative argument in response to Hillary Clinton’s boilerplate complaints on income inequality. She says “the deck is still stacked in favor of those already at the top.” Bill warns that taxing the rich will endanger the economy.



What if Hillary’s opponents tried a different approach? Instead of denying her observation that the deck is stacked in favor of elites, roll with it.

Indeed, the deck has been stacked in favor of those with political pull. The Democrat Party, and Hillary Clinton in particular, stand shamelessly guilty of arranging a regulatory environment that favors their corporate friends.

It’s time to take the corporate-envy narrative away from Hillary. Snatch it from her. Then attack her with her own weapon. Then present a vision to unstack the deck by reducing the influence of those in power.


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