Berkeley Muslims Prove Bill Maher's Point

What was it that Bill Maher said that got him into hot water with leftwingers and Muslims?

Right — he slammed their intolerance, their illiberalism. He noted that too many — not all, but far too many — Muslims respond to challenges with rage, with violence, even with murder.


Maher also criticized many on the left who turn a blind eye to that Islamic intolerance, while they slam Christians who, say, oppose being forced to furnish flowers for gay weddings.

The Huffington Post, a reliably cowardly leftist publication, helpfully cataloged all of Maher’s latest sins against Islam and the left.

And look what’s happening now. An alliance of the left and Muslim activists is responding to Maher’s claim that they’re intolerant by trying to shut him up good. That’ll show him!

In response to an announcement last week that comedian Bill Maher would speak at UC Berkeley’s fall commencement, an online petition started circulating Thursday that demanded that the campus rescind its invitation.

The petition was authored by ASUC Senator Marium Navid, who is backed by the Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian Coalition, or MEMSA, and Khwaja Ahmed, an active MEMSA member. The petition, which urges students to boycott the decision and asks the campus to stop him from speaking, has already gathered more than 1,400 signatures as of Sunday.

Maher must be laughing at all this. Though being called a racist is practically a capital charge in today’s climate.


“It’s not an issue of freedom of speech, it’s a matter of campus climate,” Navid said. “The First Amendment gives him the right to speak his mind, but it doesn’t give him the right to speak at such an elevated platform as the commencement. That’s a privilege his racist and bigoted remarks don’t give him.”

Note the proper use of leftist language to advance a reactionary agenda.

In his comments on his HBO show, Maher noted that too many Muslims reject the very notion of free thought and free speech, that the problem is not just “a few bad apples.”

Only the local College Republicans leader has shown any real tolerance in the situation so far.

Despite her disagreement with his views, Claire Chiara, president of Berkeley College Republicans and a former staff member of The Daily Californian, said she has no issue with his confirmation as commencement speaker.

“He’s a very prominent public figure, and I’m certain that he’s not going to treat a commencement speech at a prestigious university the way he treats his talk show,” Chiara said.

Maher talked about how Muslim protesters had gotten Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s honorary degree at Brandeis shut down because she — a victim of forced marriage, female genital mutilation, death threats, the murder of her film making partner Theo Van Gogh, and more — had the nerve to criticize those who have hunted her from one continent to another. And here their allies are, hunting Bill Maher.


The students who are leading the charge against Bill Maher aren’t backwoods Islamist hicks riding in a pickup with ISIS somewhere in Syria. They are students and leaders at an elite American university. They benefit from all that America is, and will likely go on to make big bucks in a country whose fundamental values they apparently hate and are betraying now. And the weak-minded totalitarians on the left are right there with them.

These folks have just proven that Bill Maher is absolutely right regarding Muslim intolerance, and leftist cowardice.


5 Ways Bill Maher Is Right and Reza Aslan Wrong About Islam


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