CNN Assures Us That Kid Arrested on His Way to Join ISIS Is 'Nice' and 'Polite'

Sure he is.

The arrest of an American teenager for allegedly attempting to join the Islamic militant group ISIS has stunned people in the working-class Chicago suburb where he lives.

Neighbors and attendees of a local mosque described Mohammed Hamzah Khan, 19, as a nice, polite young man.

“He’s the last person that we’d think that would happen to,” Bahauddin Ali Khan, a member of the mosque that Khan regularly attended in Bolingbrook, Illinois, told CNN affiliate WLS.


Who knows? Maybe he attended the same scrapbooking camp as those other nice, sweet radicalized boys, the Tsarnaevs.

There always seems to be a rush by the MSM to let us know that the budding young local terrorists are just sweethearts who happen to hit a developmental snag of unknown origin:

What’s unclear is how the teenager was radicalized and if his family knew what he was planning.

Gosh, whatever are these guys exposed to that makes them this way?

Probably some crazy Tea Party stuff.


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