Breaking: Ryan and Murray Reach Budget Deal

WaPo has some of the details:

House and Senate negotiators plan to roll out an agreement tonight to fund the government past Jan. 15, avoid another government shutdown and end for now the cycle of budget crises that have dominated Washington for much of the past three years.

Senate Budget Committee chairman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) were finalizing details and hoping to schedule a press conference to unveil the deal, which would partially repeal sharp agency spending cuts known as the sequester in fiscal 2014 and 2015.

Those savings would be replaced by roughly $65 billion in other cuts and additional revenue, including fee increases for airline travelers, cuts to federal-worker and military pensions and higher payments for federal insurance of private pensions, according to people familiar with the talks.

Just before 5 p.m., Ryan told reporters “don’t leave” the Capitol.

Ryan and Murray were rushing to file legislation before midnight so the House can vote as soon as Thursday and leave  town  for the year by the weekend. The Senate, which is scheduled to leave town next week, would vote thereafter.


Rep. Paul Ryan said in a press announcement that the deal cuts spending and does not raise taxes. But it does raise fees, as noted above, which often amounts to the same thing as raising taxes.




So, not a great deal. But, eyes on the prize, Obamacare delenda est.


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