Photo Caption Contest Winner: Because CIA Experience is Highly Overrated, You’re Hired!


(Rex Features, via AP)

Thanks to all who entered our latest Photo Caption Contest. Once again the entries were hilarious and creative.

If you are regular follower of this contest you know that we have a small, select group of loyalists who win most frequently and thus have been named the “Caption Kings.”


Now, because this is an equal opportunity contest, newcomers have the same chance of winning as one of the Caption Kings. The only reason I am stating this is because for this contest we have one clear, supreme Grand Prize Winner who also happens to be a Royal Caption King, but please do not think that judges favor Caption Kings because that would be untrue.

Now the drum roll…. for Chris Henderson, our Grand Prize Winner with three brilliant captions.

They said “CIA” but Obama heard “CYA” so he appointed a lawyer.

Obama turns the CIA into a No Spy Zone.

Another meaningless red line by Obama.

Congratulations Chris! (Be sure to say good-bye to Chris as he boards the bus  to re-education camp this summer.)

Here are all the Honorable Mentions:

Kimbly submitted:

The Obama administration is now selecting agency directors based on how good they would look while being thrown under the bus.

Scottch (a Caption King) submitted:

Haines: “Oh goody! With this position I’ll be able to read a LOT more erotica on people’s computers!”  

(Editors note: Ms. Haines has a documented work history of reading erotica. You just can not make this stuff up!)


RockThisTown (a Caption King) submitted these two winners:

“OK, now for your oath of office. Repeat after me: “I do solemnly swear to support blaming Bush for all that goes wrong.”

“Avril if you happen to run across my birth certificate when you start your new job, bury it!”

Zip Code also submitted two winners:

Don’t worry about not having any experience, I didn’t have any either when I took this job, and look at the country now.

We see in your resume you have seen all of the 007 movies, gentleman, we have a new CIA Director!

Born Free submitted:

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which one here is next to fall?”

Thanks again to everyone who entered and see you next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.


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