Are We Looking at 'Europe's Last Stand'?

The American Freedom Alliance will sponsor an international conference in Los Angeles on Sunday and Monday, June 9 and 10, on the numerous problems facing the continent and pose serious questions about whether European civilization can survive.


“Europe’s Last Stand?  Debt, Demography, and the Abandonment of National Sovereignty” will examine how “Europe reached its current predicament, where it will go from here and how it might rebuild hope for arresting any continuing decline.”

Since AFA’s first two conferences on the future of Europe in 2007 and 2008, much has happened to suggest that time may not be on the continent’s side. The rise of debtor nations within the European Union has threatened the stability and ultimate survival of the continent’s currency; the emergence of restive Muslim communities has stirred fears of internecine civil strife while a troubling demographic gap (deaths not being replaced by births) all contribute to a sense that Europe is veering dangerously off course.

But even these fundamental economic and demographic concerns may pale next to the more serious collapse of self confidence, the muddying of political integrity, the evaporation of religious life and the failure to commit to the Enlightenment values and ideals upon which Europe’s civilization was built.

Featured speakers included Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, Daniel Pipes, and George Gilder.

The two day event has drawn speakers from around the world. You can register by going here.


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