Liberal Commentator Says Media Ignored Gosnell To Protect Abortion

On April 17, Marc Lamont Hill, a liberal and commentator on Huff Post Live, said that he agrees with pro-life Americans concerning the deliberate media blackout over the Gosnell case.  He acknowledged that the media made a “deliberate” decision to not cover the Philly abortionist since it would undercut the progressive left’s stance on abortion.


For what it’s worth, I do think that those of us on the Left have made a decision not to cover this trial because we worry that it’ll compromise abortion rights… whether you agree with abortion or not, I do think there’s a direct connection between the media’s failure to cover this and our own political commitments on the Left.”

Granted, he could say something insane within the next few hours. He describe cop killer Chris Dorner as a hero last February.  Yet, for  the time being, we should commend Hill for calling out the ideologues on his own side.


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