Sen. Ted Cruz at CPAC: 'Conservatives Are Winning Right Now'

CPAC 2013 has come and gone.  However, the conference didn’t end without a few remarks from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who was CPAC 2013’s keynote speaker.  He asserted his belief in constitutional government and individual liberty, and proudly declared that his first address on the Senate floor was during Sen. Rand Paul’s 13-hour filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination to be CIA Director.  The filibuster centered on the lack of transparency surrounding the Obama administration’s drone policy.


“I was honored to stand with Sen. Rand Paul when he stood for 13 hours…if being a Wacko bird means standing up for the Constitution then consider me a proud Wacko bird…when Rand and I had heard that for the first time (Wacko-bird name call) we thought it was some kind of drone” said Cruz. Yet, Cruz noted how twenty House members showed up on the floor of the Senate in support.” His anecdote about how he read the opening address of Patton, Travis’ letter to the Alamo, and Reagan’s 1964 “A Time for Choosing” speech, drew applause from the audience.

Concerning sequestration, Cruz said it’s already in effect.  He mocked Obama’s “scare America” tour, and how D.C. is the only place where “draconian 2% cuts” can be taken seriously.  In the end, Cruz said Obama thought Republicans would cave, but they stood firm – and took a small step towards slowing the growth of government.  To continue the trend of slowing government expansion, Cruz proposed defunding Obamacare.  It was a proposal that every Republican voted for, but prompted every Democrat to vote and to keep it in place.  As a result, the awesome burden of the state remains on the shoulders of the American people.


However, Cruz said we should not wallow in despair.  He noted that over the past few weeks “conservatives are winning [the political battles], but how do we keep on winning?”  He gave two examples.

1. Defend the Constitution

“Liberty is under assault from every direction,” according to Cruz. Our right to bear arms is in the Democratic crosshairs, and he touched upon his kerfuffle with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D- California), who said that it’s Congress’s job to pass laws, and incumbent on the courts to decide if they’re legal.  Well, Obamacare decisively ended that judicial check. However, Cruz told the CPAC crowd to have no fear since Joe Biden gives helpful advice about defending your home by emptying your shotgun into the air.  A tactic, Cruz mocked, was only effective against geese and drones.

Additionally, the First Amendment is another big target. The Obama administration is telling faith-based institutions, like the Catholic Church, that the must change their religious beliefs, or risk having their hospitals and charities shut down.

The Fourth Amendment protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures, hence why we need to repeal NDAA since the government should not be allowed to detain Americans without due process of law.


Cruz also touched upon honoring the Tenth Amendment, which gives powers, not delegated to the federal government, to the states –  and warned about politicians giving away our national sovereignty. “As Solicitor General of TX we stood up to the World Court and the United Nations…[and] no President Democrat or Republican has the authority to give away US sovereignty,” said Cruz.

2. Champion growth and opportunity

Cruz noted that the economic stagnation doesn’t “fall uniformly.”  If you’re a tax and environment lawyer – you’re doing well.  Concerning unemployment, Sen. Cruz noted that black unemployment stands at 14%, Hispanic joblessness hovers around 10%, and the youth rate is at a staggering 25%.  That’s why he advocates “opportunity conservatism,” which is an ideology of promoting policies that seek to accelerate Americans’ ascent up the economic ladder.

Cruz aptly noted that Obama’s policies have prevented the creation of  7 million potential jobs. “That’s the equivalent giving a job to every man, woman, and child in Chicago Boston, and Philadelphia,” Cruz lamented.   Additionally, Cruz listed the agenda.


1.We need to repeal Obamacare

2.We need to repeal Dodd-Frank,

3.Eliminate corporate welfare,

4.Build the Keystone Pipeline

5.Rein in the EPA,

6.We need to audit the FED,

7.We need to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education

8.Champion school choice

9.We need to stand with Israel

10.We need to stop sending foreign aid to nations that hate us

As Sen. Cruz closed, he asked the crowd directly: “Do we surrender, or do we stand up now?  He gave us an agenda for the future. Now, conservatives need to ask what’s it going to be?




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