Oldie But Goodie-The Iron Lady Pays Tribute To Her Friend Ronald Reagan

God bless her.

As Ron once put it: the nine most dangerous words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”. As usual, he was right.

Ronald Reagan helped America – and so America could help the world – because he rejected that approach. He believed, and he never stopped proclaiming, that the talents of a nation, not the wisdom of bureaucracy, forge a country’s greatness. Let our children grow tall – he urged – then they can reach out to raise others higher too.

For our opponents, there are always a hundred reasons why the government must intervene to plan its children’s lives. For us, there’s one overwhelming reason why it shouldn’t – because men and women are born to be free.


It is most disheartening to think that in just a generation we’ve gone from world leaders like Reagan and Thatcher to the current clown car that’s in charge of freedom loving countries. They are, of course, irreplaceable, but only by keeping the history of what they accomplished alive can we even hope for a return to leadership that carries on their legacies.


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