Obama Recovery Going So Well That Two-Thirds Are Delaying Retirement


The American workplace is about to get grayer.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans between the ages of 45 and 60 say they plan to delay retirement, according to a report to be released Friday by the Conference Board. That was a steep jump from just two years earlier, when the group found that 42% of respondents expected to put off retirement.

The increase was driven by the financial losses, layoffs and income stagnation sustained during the last few years of recession and recovery, said Gad Levanon, director of macroeconomic research at the organization and a co-author of the report, which is based on a 2012 survey of 15,000 individuals.


Let’s hope they aren’t working in jobs that are about to be nuked by Obamacare. This also brings up another question: if all the kids are moving back in with their parents because they can’t find jobs, where are the parents going to move if they end up in the same boat?

Four more years.


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