Is This Why Obama Wanted that Des Moines Register Interview Off the Record?

Recall that in the third debate, President Obama claimed that he did not come up with the sequesters and that “it will not happen.” It has already been reported that his administration did come up with the sequester. Now, in that Des Moines Register interview that was briefly off the record, he touts the sequester as a means by which he will achieve spending cuts.


OBAMA: “So when you combine the Bush tax cuts expiring, the sequester in place, the commitment of both myself and my opponent — at least Governor Romney claims that he wants to reduce the deficit — but we’re going to be in a position where I believe in the first six months we are going to solve that big piece of business.” [emphasis added]

He made this statement the day after he said that the sequester “will not happen,” while he was mocking his own defense secretary’s warning that the cuts would dangerously shrink the military. Is this what the president has taken to calling “Romnesia?” Or just plain old dishonesty?


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