National Conservative Women Launch 'Don't Commit to a Man You Don't Really Know' Campaign

The man you don’t really know being one Barack Obama, President of the United States. Here’s a snippet from the group’s press release.

Don’t Commit To A Man You Don’t Really Know” is the call to Independent Women voters who will be getting thousands of copies of the explosive movie “2016” on DVD from The Kitchen Cabinet in Battleground States this week.  The Kitchen Cabinet, reaching 15 million online, and a coalition of 1.3 million Independent and Conservative women’s leaders on the ground, is making winning the women’s vote:  Personal.  Starting this week, they are driving out thousands of copies of the newly-released video, “2016,”   woman-to-woman.  The Kitchen Cabinet wants undecided women in Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, Colorado and Nevada, to have as much information as possible about Barack Obama, before they vote.

The Kitchen Cabinet represents a diverse group of economically-conservative women, including some 700 women’s clubs, Tea Party organizations, women’s leadership and business leagues, and passionate homeschooling networks. Conservative women donors have made thousands of free copies of the movie available to The Kitchen Cabinet.  Women’s leaders will do the rest to make sure Independent Women voters inform themselves before casting the most important vote of their lives.


More info at the web site.

If you just can’t wait, 2016 is already available on DirecTV too. It’s available on demand for $4.99 I think. Invite friends over for a watching party.


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