'Obama as Messiah' Art For Sale Outside DNC - Photo Caption Contest

Yesterday at the end of the winners post for Obama’s Damaged Sand Sculpture photo caption contest, I wrote that with the DNC in session this week, I had a feeling another Tatler Photo Caption Contest opportunity would present itself “very soon.”  However, even I expected it would take longer than 24 hours….but those Democrats do not disappoint!


You can thank our friends at FoxNews.com (picked up by Drudge) for alerting us to the pious artwork and posters for sale by street vendors outside the DNC with the headline: Artwork Portrays Obama as Jesus.

But instead of being outraged, let’s have another world famous Tatler photo caption contest using this vendor “art” as our subject.

Personally, this contest photo sickens me so much I cannot even bring myself to offer an opening caption without violating my own contest rules of “be nice and stay classy” because “the media” is watching.

But perhaps you can. So please submit your entry and try, please try to stay somewhat within the rules.

Once again the winner will receive a prestigious shout-out in a future post seen by millions of adoring fans around the world.

Now how much do you want to bet that there will be rain (and perhaps even floods, lightening, hail, locusts, and frogs) Thursday evening when Obama makes his big speech in the Bank of America Stadium without a roof?






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