Romney: 'No One's Ever Asked to See My Birth Certificate'

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made a quip about his own birth certificate at a rally in his home state today.

The former Massachusetts governor was born in Michigan, where his father, George Romney, was governor from 1963 to 1969.


“I love being home, in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said while addressing the crowd in Commerce, Mich., with his wife, Ann, and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

“Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital, I was born in Harper Hospital. No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate; they know that this is the place where both of us were born and raised,” said Romney, who released his birth certificate in May.

The large crowd at the Long Family Orchard, Farm & Cider Mill cheered.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt tweeted: “After giving the stage in Tampa to Donald Trump, Kris Kobach & Sheriff Arpaio, @MittRomney joined the birther movement today.”

UPDATE: Obama campaign manager Jim Messina sent out a fundraising email calling the comments “a new low for Mitt Romney.”

UPDATE 2: Romney says on CBS, “No, no, not a swipe… This was fun about us, and coming home.”

More from Rick Moran: Madness? Or Desperation? Dem Hysteria Over Romney Birther Joke


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