Call the Paralegals! Obama Fumbles Desperately to Answer Tough Question from...A Girl Scout

While campaigning in Ohio today, President Barack Obama faced what he characterized as a tough question: “What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie?”


The two-word answer the president sought, fumbled and ultimately failed to find: Thin Mints. Which are delicious and enjoy second place (behind Samoas) in a popularity poll on the Girl Scouts’ web site. But they could face a municipal or federal limit because they taste good and people not named Mike Bloomberg or Michelle Obama like them.

Is the president’s floundering for a few seconds a big deal? No. But if Mitt Romney had fumbled around for the name of his favorite cookie, you can bet that Andrea Mitchell and NBC’s editors would have turned it into Son of WaWa: The Great Girl Scout Cookie Conspiracy.

Despite the fact that Girl Scout cookies are yummy, they should leave a sour taste: The Girl Scouts USA support Planned Parenthood.

Update: Scripps Local played gatekeeper and pulled the video. A Washington Post blogger covered the exchange, but didn’t quite capture the momentary fumbling.


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