The Texas Voter ID Trial

Christian Adams has reported on the ridiculous 18-year old witness presented on Wednesday by DOJ in the Texas voter ID trial who said her parents were too busy to take her to get an ID – but she had plenty of time to travel to the airport in San Antonio and then fly to Washington at taxpayer expense to testify in the trial. Rodriquez also said that she did not have a driver’s license because of the cost of auto insurance, apparently unaware that she can get a free, nondriver’s license photo ID from the Texas DMV.


But DOJ was also embarrassed on Wednesday when Texas Sen. Rodney Ellis was put up as a witness by the Justice Department to rail against the voter ID law. When he was cross-examined by Texas, he had to admit that both his wife and daughter, who were listed by DOJ’s “experts” as supposedly not having driver’s licenses, in fact, do have Texas driver’s licenses. And in a comment on how inaccurate DOJ’s racial data is, Ellis sounded offended that DOJ’s experts listed his wife and daughter as white. Ellis and his family are black Texans.


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