Biden: Plumbers Can't Be President

Or something. Honestly, I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s up Biden’s bonnet in this attempt to attack Bain Capital.

Vice President Joe Biden offered a defense Tuesday of the Obama campaign’s questioning of Mitt Romney’s business experience, saying that the Republican candidate’s specific experiences are what make him a bad fit for the Oval Office.

“Your job as president is to promote the common good. That doesn’t mean the private equity guys are bad guys. They are not,” he said in a campaign speech in Keene, N.H. “But that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. And, by the way, there are a lot of awful smart plumbers.”


Plumbers don’t promote the common good now? Plumbers can’t be president because they haven’t spent their lives in politics? What the…

There’s video at the link. Biden clearly isn’t speaking out on his own, since he’s evidently sober and he’s saying almost the same thing Obama said after the NATO meeting yesterday. Obama just neglected to directly insult honest workers who keep civilization from being overrun by clogged sinks and backed up toilets. And who, by the way, are people who provide services that we will always need, and who earn their livings by working with their minds and their hands. Team Obama actually wants to argue that because Romney worked in the private sector for 25 years, he never had the “greater good” in mind and shouldn’t be president? Seriously?

And Obama’s policy, which Biden supports, of killing off the US coal industry one regulation at a time constitutes proper looking out for the common good?

The spectacle of two particularly unaccomplished career politicians ripping one of the captains of capitalism for being successful ought to elicit nothing but derision out of the media and the American public. But the fact is, those two are currently president and veep. And they’re showing the entire world just how bright neither one of them is with this kind of rhetoric. That makes their cluelessness downright terrifying.


Update: I suppose we should take a small victory from President Obama repudiating Jim Clyburn’s “Romney the corporate rapist” comment. They do have a line, it seems.


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