In Government Docs, Media Matters Admits its Anti-Christian Agenda

Erick Stakelbeck reports at CBN:

Media Matters is a non-profit liberal watchdog group that has the ear of not only the mainstream media, but also the Obama administration.

As part of its strategy, Media Matters frequently targets Christian organizations in an effort to counter what it views as pro-Christian “bias in news reporting and analysis by the American media.”

“It is common for news and commentary by the press to present viewpoints that tend to overly promote…a conservative, Christian-influenced ideology,” the group said in its application for non-profit status with the IRS.

Vince Coglianese, a reporter with The Dailer Caller, has investigated the Media Matters’ attacks on Christian organizations.

“Media Matters, in its application to the IRS–outright, in the very first paragraph–declares it’s going to be an anti-Christian organization,” he said.


What “pro-Christian” bias do they see in the mainstream media establishment? Does Media Matters tell its potential and current financial backers about this agenda? Soros funds them — does he know and approve of this? Are rank and file Democrats aware that an organization so close to high ranking members of their party is blatantly anti-Christian? Are journalists like Keith Olbermann — ha ha, sorry — former journalists unemployed TV talking heads like Keith Olbermann, who rip and read Media Matters material all the time (when he’s working, anyway), aware that it’s a blatantly intolerant and hateful organization?


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