Friday Funny: I Thought YOU Had the Loot!

Something lighter for a Friday:

Spanish police say hooded thieves crashed a van into a courier service warehouse vault and made off with sacks of valuables on Thursday. They then fled in a waiting Audi, but crashed into another car as they merged onto a Madrid highway.

That caused the flat.

The four thieves carjacked another vehicle at gunpoint. No one was hurt and the thieves got away — but left most of their booty in the back seat of the damaged Audi.


Uh, guys… if you’re going to go to all the trouble of stealing 50,000 euros (about $67,000) or more worth of stuff, and then hijacking a new getaway car to replace the one you crashed, at least make sure you got the stuff you stole with you when you switch cars!

Seems likely they’ll have some time behind bars to consider better planning for their next heist, tho.

h/t Lowering the Bar

(image of Madrid by Sebastian Dubiel)


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