Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Obama to Extend the Payroll Tax Cut by Fiat

Why let a little thing like the Constitution stand in the way?

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Tuesday that President Obama “absolutely” should use his executive power to continue the unemployment benefits and payroll tax cut extension and said she hoped to discuss the option with the White House later in the day.

“It is extraordinary, don’t get me wrong. But I’m feeling the pain of the constituents I left [at] home,” Jackson Lee said, speaking on the progressive Ed Schultz’s radio show. “I consider this a crisis. I consider leaving Americans without unemployment insurance for January and February a crime. I consider not extending the payroll tax cut … a crime.”


Then logically she should consider Harry Reid a criminal. He’s the one who wants the shorter two month extension; both Obama and the House Republicans favor the one year extension, while Obama has now switched sides for purely political reasons.


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