A Day at the Gun Range

Sometimes you just have to step away from the blog. So this afternoon I took my son to a gun range out into the Texas countryside.  Howard Nemerov and his wife Grace were kind enough to invite us to the Schaefer Training Range out in Dale, TX. The Schaefer range is a great outdoor facility where local law enforcement go to maintain their skills, and beginners can go to learn about firearms. They offer beginner classes, CHL training, training for women, just about anything. It was my son’s first time to fire a real weapon, and he loved it. After the safety briefings he fired .22 pistols, while I fired the .22 and a pair of 9 mil. pistols.


Considering this was his first time to fire anything larger than an airsoft, my son’s fire was very accurate. I’m very proud of him. A day at the range is a great way to spend an afternoon.


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